What is Hyper-Automation
is the next big thing in the workplace. It’s the idea of using automation to replace human labor. This means that machines will take over repetitive tasks, freeing us up to focus our attention on higher-value activities.

Over the last decade, the number of jobs requiring less skill has increased dramatically. In fact, according to McKinsey & Company, 47% of U.S. employment growth between 2010 and 2020 will come from occupations requiring little or no training.

This trend is expected to continue into the future. As robots become more intelligent and more capable, they’ll eventually begin to perform more complex tasks. The result? More jobs for humans.

The term Hyper-Automation has been floating around the internet lately, but few people seem to know what it actually means. In this article, we will discuss Hyper-Automation and why it can be considered dangerous to both businesses and individuals who do not adopt this mindset in their daily lives. What exactly is Hyper-Automation? It’s basically a combination of the two terms automation and hyperactive, where automation refers to any process that increases productivity or efficiency, and hyperactive refers to someone who does multiple things at once.

What is Hyper-Automation? And Why Should We Care?

Hyper-automation is the process of automating more processes and tasks than ever before. This can include using robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to automate tasks. Hyper-automation can help organizations improve efficiency, quality, and speed while reducing costs. Additionally, hyper-automation can help companies scale their operations and meet high demands. For example, banks are using hyper-automation to automate customer service tasks, fraud detection, and loan processing.

Automation is only capable of basic optimization. Hype automation is more sophisticated since it includes additional intelligence to make the entire process wiser than it was before. Artificial intelligence (AI) may provide intelligence in several ways, including optical character recognition and natural language processing. Automation increases accountability, efficiency, and predictability while lowering cost, variability, and risk. These are compelling advantages.

How Hyper-Automation Works

Hyper-automation focuses on increasing intelligence and using a wider systems-based approach to extending automation initiatives. The strategy emphasizes the need to achieve the ideal balance between automating manual tasks and streamlining complicated processes to remove stages.

It is crucial to determine who should be in charge of the automation and how it should be carried out. Frontline employees are better able to spot tedious jobs that could be automated. Experts in business processes are better equipped to spot chances for automation that are handled by several individuals.

The concept of an organization’s “digital twin” was introduced by Gartner (DTO). This is a computerized illustration of how commercial operations operate.

This is a computerized illustration of how commercial operations operate. Using a mix of process mining and task mining, the process representation is automatically built and updated. In process mining, enterprise software logs from CRM and ERP systems are analyzed to build a representation of process flows. By using machine vision software on each user’s desktop, task mining creates a view of processes spanning several programs.

The DTO can be automatically generated in the process and task mining systems, giving businesses insight into the interactions between functions, processes, and key performance indicators. Organizations may examine how new automation generates value, opens up new opportunities, or produces new bottlenecks that need to be fixed using the DTO.

Hyper-Automated Service Jobs That Are Already a Reality Today & Their Future Potential

We live in the twenty-first century, where things are developing quickly and becoming really spectacular, particularly in the realm of the workplace. Most people choose to work from their comfort zones in order to provide the organization with their best work. But hyper-automation, though, makes things more advanced, so let’s have a look at it.

Amazon Robotics

Amazon’s robotics division is already making strides toward automating its warehouses. In 2016, they announced their acquisition of Kiva Systems, a company that makes robots designed to move around warehouse shelves and pick items off them. These robots have increased efficiency in determining orders while decreasing employee errors and injuries. Amazon’s goal is to eventually replace its entire workforce with these robots.

Google Self-Driving Cars

Google recently purchased Otto, a self-driving truck startup. Otto was founded by John Bannister, who previously worked at Carnegie Mellon University, where he developed a self-driving car system called SICK (Self-Driving Car Initiative Kit). Google plans to integrate Otto’s technology into its own self-driving cars.

Uber Robots

Uber has invested heavily in developing autonomous vehicles. One of their latest projects is a partnership with SoftBank Group Corp. to develop driverless taxis. The two companies aim to begin testing the service in 2017.

Tesla Autopilot

Tesla Motors’ autopilot software is capable of operating semi-autonomously. The autopilot can steer the vehicle, change lanes, adjust speed, and even change lanes if necessary. However, the autopilot does not drive the vehicle but guides the driver.

Walmart Grocery Pickup

Walmart is currently testing grocery pickup services in select markets. Customers order online and then choose a time slot to receive their groceries. When the customer chooses a time slot, the groceries are delivered to their home.

Domino’s Pizza Delivery

Domino’s Pizza introduced a robot named Robby to help customers place orders. The robot uses cameras and sensors to identify people and objects in the store. Then, it communicates with a human employee via speech recognition to confirm what toppings the customer wants before placing the order.


Postmates is a food delivery app that delivers meals from local restaurants to consumers. The app matches diners with nearby couriers who deliver prepared foods from restaurants on demand.


Hyper-automation is simply automation on a level never seen before. Even the most advanced robots, computers, and systems in our present world cannot hold a candle to what is coming in the future. We are moving into a world where machines are developing machines, an evolutionary leap of unprecedented proportions. Instead of human-like bots that act out their programming like the characters in a sci-fi movie, we will be left with adaptive algorithms whose directives can change as they analyze different situations and information in real time. These advances will profoundly affect our society, bringing us closer than ever to true AI and machine sentience.

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